
Context Module

The context module has 4 main components: config, tags, account and cloudtrail.

The config component is responsible for fetching the configuration and the associated resources. This configuration and associated resources are defined by resource type, under lib/context/resources you will find a file for each resource type.

Adding a new AWS ResourceType

If you want to add context for a ResourceType that has not yet been defined in MetaHub, you will first need to add the ResourceType as a Class:

  1. Create a new file under lib/context/resources with the ResourceType as name, for example

  2. Start with this template as a base. We are using a base Class MetaChecksBase for every ResourceType.

"""ResourceType: Name of the ResourceType"""

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

from lib.AwsHelpers import get_boto3_client
from lib.context.resources.Base import ContextBase

class Metacheck(ContextBase):
    def __init__(
        self.logger = logger
        self.sess = sess
        self.mh_filters_config = mh_filters_config
        self.parse_finding(finding, drilled)
        self.client = get_boto3_client(self.logger, "SERVICE", self.region, self.sess) --> YOUR BOTO3 CLIENT
        # Describe Resource
        self.RESOURCE_TYPE = self.describe_RESOURCE_TYPE()       --> You will need a describe function for your resource type
        if not self.RESOURCE_TYPE:                               --> Handling if the resource does not exist
            return False
        # Drilled Associations
        self.iam_roles = self._describe_instance_iam_roles()     --> Add your associations, needs to be a dictionary {"arn": {}}

    # Parse                                                      --> How to parse the resource id from the ARN
    def parse_finding(self, finding, drilled):
        self.finding = finding
        self.region = finding["Region"]
        self.account = finding["AwsAccountId"]
        self.partition = finding["Resources"][0]["Id"].split(":")[1]
        self.resource_type = finding["Resources"][0]["Type"]
        self.resource_id = (                                     --> When the resource is drilled, it get's the arn as drilled
            if not drilled
            else drilled.split("/")[-1]
        self.resource_arn = finding["Resources"][0]["Id"] if not drilled else drilled --> When the resource is drilled, it get's the arn as drilled

    # Describe Functions

    def describe_RESOURCE_TYPE(self):                                             --> Describe function for your resource type
            response = self.client.describe_instances(
                        "Name": "instance-state-name",
                        "Values": [
            if response["Reservations"]:
                return response["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]
        except ClientError as err:
            if not err.response["Error"]["Code"] == "InvalidInstanceID.NotFound":
                    "Failed to describe_instance: {}, {}".format(self.resource_id, err)
        return False

    # Context Config

    def associations(self):
        associations = {}                                                                    --> The associations
        return associations

    def checks(self):
        checks = {}                                                                           --> The config checks
        return checks

  1. Define as many describe functions for the ResourceType you need. These functions will fetch the information you need to then create config checks on top of it.
def get_bucket_acl(self):
        response = self.client.get_bucket_acl(Bucket=self.resource_id)
    except ClientError as err:
        self.logger.error("Failed to get_bucket_acl {}, {}".format(self.resource_id, err))
        return False
    return response["Grants"]
  1. Define config check functions to add keys to the config key, and add those functions to the checks function.
def public_dns(self):
    public_dns = False
    if self.instance:
        public_dns = self.instance.get("PublicDnsName")
    return public_dns

def checks(self):
    checks = {
        "public_dns": self.public_dns(),
    return checks
  1. Add the associated resources to the associations function.
def associations(self):
    associations = {
        "iam_roles": self.iam_roles,
    return associations
  1. Import Metacheck in lib/resources/ file